Found a product you want to sell?

We’ll tell you who makes it.

Reverse Sourcing is the fastest way to source quality products from top suppliers in China.

  • Use the best suppliers in your industry
  • Find hot new products and source them fast
  • Ditch the Alibaba brouhaha!
  • Hassle-less. It’s sourcing made easy!

Working with Epic Sourcing has been nothing short of a revelation. Prior to meeting TK and his team the process of sourcing had been a nightmare of quality control issues, blown timelines and ethical problems. Not only did Epic Sourcing take the stress away from the whole process they opened up a whole new world of reverse sourcing which transformed the way we looked at product development. Being able to discover the supply chain of our competitors is an extraordinary advantage which can't be understated. Even better, TK and his team are progressional, timely and cost effective to boot. Highly recommended for anyone looking to source their products from Asia without the headaches.

Read more

— Brendon Howe
Director at Chalk n' Cheese Digital

Have you ever seen a product and thought

“We should be selling something like that, I wonder who makes it?”

At that point, you could…

1. Jump on Alibaba 
2. Scroll through 100s of potential suppliers
3. Pick a supplier that looks Ok 
4. Order samples based on photos that probably aren’t accurate
5. ...and cross your fingers.


You could skip all of the uncertainty and hassle, and...


Don’t spend hours searching, researching, and agonizing over which supplier is best for your business. Skip the rabble, avoid the hassle, and find out exactly who makes the product you want to source.

It’s the fastest way to connect with suppliers and manufacturers you KNOW can deliver.



How does it work?

It couldn’t be more simple, really.

You find the product (or products): A wooden mens watch

Tell us the brand: Woodwear Watches Ltd

We put on our detective hats

And bingo!  We’ll send you a detailed Reverse Sourcing report

Product you want to source
reverse sourcing report
Reverse Sourcing Report

It’s a revolution in sourcing that will save you time and money.

How does it work?

It couldn’t be more simple, really.

You find the product (or products): A wooden mens watch

Tell us the brand: Woodwear Watches Ltd

We put on our detective hats

And bingo!  We’ll send you a detailed Reverse Sourcing report

Product you want to source
reverse sourcing report
Reverse Sourcing Report

It’s a revolution in sourcing that will save you time and money.

If you want a world-class product
You need a world-class supplier

Successful sourcing starts with finding a supplier that:

Delivers on quality
You need a supplier that can produce quality products your customers will love. No defects or faulty products.

Is reputable and reliable
Source products from the same suppliers and manufacturers that supply some of the world’s best brands.

Understands your product and industry
Connect with suppliers and manufacturers that are already supplying businesses in your industry or niche.

The power of data
How is this possible?

It’s no secret that suppliers and manufacturers will supply the same (or similar) products to more than one business. It’s called ‘white label sourcing’ and it’s the fastest way to source a ready-to-sell product.

Reverse Sourcing is the data-driven method of finding out who supplies who, and who makes what.

Ok, Ok, tell me what it costs!

So, are you ready to source smarter with Reverse Sourcing? 
We’ve got something special for you. A special discount that is.

Up to 5 Suppliers Reverse Sourced for just $199 $199!

Yes please!
epic sourcing manager
About me

Hi, I’m TK!
I moved to New Zealand in 2015 and have called this beautiful country home ever since. I started Epic Sourcing with the goal of helping Kiwi businesses grow by sourcing quality products from China. Over the years I’ve tailored our services to eliminate the key frustrations that many small to medium-sized businesses face when conducting business in China.

As specialists in the field of procurement and supply chain management, our team has helped many Kiwi businesses take their operation to the next level. We offer tailor-made sourcing solutions with a personal touch. Just ask some of our happy clients.

“After exploring many product sourcing options, Epic Sourcing is by far the best in the market for finding the right products at an affordable rate. Highly recommended.”

— Adam from  Dealmart

Frequently asked questions

1. What if you can’t find the supplier?


This is definitely a possibility. The fact of the matter is, the product you found might not be made in China. The good news is, there is probably someone in China making something similar to the product you want.

2. How much information do I need to provide?


Not much! All we need is the product you’re interested in and the name of the company that sells it. Simple as that. If they have a Chinese supplier, we’ll find out who they are.

3. How long does it take?


Once you’ve provided us with the information, you’ll have your supplier list delivered to your inbox within 48 hours.

4. So, I get my list of suppliers, then what?


Epic Sourcing offers a range of tailor-made solutions for businesses looking to source products from China. So, if you want to take your list and make contact with suppliers yourself, fantastic! If you would like us to help you out moving forward, we can do that too.

5. What if the product I want to source is patented?


It is possible that you’ll find a supplier that won’t supply your business with the product you want to source. This is probably because the business they supply has a patent in place. Don’t worry, this isn’t a dead end! You simply need to look for similar products that aren’t protected by a patent.

6. What if I want to make changes to the product?


One of the best parts about Reverse Sourcing is that you can use it as a starting point to develop a bespoke product. Keep in mind that as a general rule, the bigger the alteration, the bigger the additional cost.

Still unsure if Reverse Sourcing is right for you?

If you’re unsure about anything, or still have some questions, fire through an email below and we’ll be in touch ASAP.

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Have a product in mind?

Get up to 5 Suppliers Reverse Sourced for just $199

Have a product in mind?

Get up to 5 Suppliers Reverse Sourced for just $199 $129

Enquire now
0800 88 EPIC

How to find reliable suppliers in China

  • What to look for when researching suppliers
  • Actionable advice from industry experts
  • Tips to help you save time and money
how to import products from china from verified suppliers
BONUS: Manufacturer prospecting spreadsheet